12 Ways to “Spring” up Your Home

12 Ways to Spring Up Your Home

Spring is a great time of year because the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and the whole world just seems to come back alive. With the rest of the world reemerging from its wintery slumber, your house needs to do the same thing too! Here are some ways to “spring” up your home this year!

Add Flowers

Nothing says “spring” better than flowers. Put flowers all over your home (without making it look like a greenhouse, of course). Get clear or colorful vases to add even more life to your home!


“Bird Nests”

While the bird nest in your trees may be great, you’ll also want the same affect in your home with some decorative bird nests. You can make these pretty easily and quickly and they work as both decorations and bowls of sorts.



One of the quickest ways to “spring” up your home is by adding bright and colorful decorative pillows. Choose colors like yellow, green, and sky blue to brighten up your home instantly! You can do this in any room of the house as well!


Herb Garden

Add some color to your house and get excited for summer gardening by making a little herb garden for your home! You can do this on the windowsill or a kitchen counter if you have enough space. Not only will you add some green to your house, but you’ll also have fresh herbs to use in your cooking!



You’d be surprised at how much a meal can make your home feel like spring! There are certain ingredients and even whole recipes that are classic spring meals that everyone can enjoy.



Candles help “spring” up your home in two ways. One, you can choose a scent like lavender or “spring garden” that makes it smell like spring. You can also use them as decoration pieces with spring foliage to brighten up your home.



Wreaths are just a spring essential if you want to make your home fit the season. And the great thing about them is that there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of wreath ideas to chose from!



If you have a fireplace mantle in your home or something similar, then it’s a great place to get some awesome spring decorations. Put plants, flowers, candles, and other spring-like decorations.


Clean Windows

There’s no point in hoping for nice spring weather if your windows are too dirty to see through! Make sure to give the inside and outside of your windows a fresh clean to get off any and all winter sludge and slush that may have built up!



It may not be a direct change to your house, but your wardrobe can definitely make spring feel closer. Take a weekend to clean out your closet; put away winter coats and gloves and bring out your fun and colorful clothing.



If you have the money and storage space, then consider getting a different set of dishware for the spring season. If you have the space but not the money, then you can do a fun family activity and decorate plain white plates to give them a spring theme!



Mix the art in your home up and get some spring-specific art pieces! This can be pictures, sculptures, or even plants. Just choose some fun and colorful art and put it up!


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