15 Handmade Christmas Gifts for Her


So it may not be handmade by you, but this stunning utility apron from Sub Culture Gift Shop is handmade by someone! Check out this beautiful apron for a woman who loves to cook, craft, or sew!

15 Handmade Christmas Gifts for Her

Make these adorable photo coasters that she will love! Just take family photos, pictures of the two of you, or a favorite picture that she has. So cute!

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Ring holders are always really nice to have in the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom, so make one for her this year! You can make them marbled, or choose a different style and pattern.

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I absolutely love, love, LOVE handmade soap! It just seems fresher, cleaner, and more effective than your store-bought soap. Make some soap for her this Christmas!

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Homemade jewelry can actually be really cute and nice. You don’t need to just glue some macaroni together, but use wooden blocks and spheres and some really nice paint.

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Christmas is cold, so anything warm and snuggly will be a great gift. Make her a flannel throw that she can use to decorate the home, stay warm, or both!

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Make this incredibly adorable painted mug that is simple, elegant, and chic! It’s a cheat gift that she’ll use every day, especially during winter!

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Handmade lotion is soooooo nice! Seriously, it smells good, feels good, and looks good! Make her some lotion and put it in a cute bottle or container!

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Like most women, I like bath salts, but they can get pretty spendy pretty fast. However, homemade bath salts are half the price and work just as well! Find a recipe online with her favorite scents, and go for it!

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If she likes to sew, then make a Mason jar pin cushion! It helps her keep all of her sewing materials in one spot that is neat and organized!

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Another great homemade gift for her is a nice, relaxing foot scrub! After a hard day of being on her feet, I’m sure she’d love to seat to and scrub her feet with this great mixture!


Get her an etched cutting board! There are several design available from Cheers Gifts, and you can personalize them!

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This is a super simple but cute idea for a Christmas gift for her. Take a candle (preferably in her favorite scent), and then wrap it with birch or another type of material that she likes!

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If she is constantly on the go, then she is probably carrying all sorts of cords and wires with her. Make this fantastic leather cord roll she can use to keep all of her cords on one spot! So great!

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