16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm (1)

With this long cold winter there are days where it is just impossible to keep warm! So I found 16 hacks to stay warm that don’t just involve huddling over the heater!

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm (1)

Cover Your Windows

This isn’t just for privacy, but windows can let in cold even if they are double paned. So add some insulation with good blinds and curtains to block out the cold!

Wear Slippers or Socks

When you are home don’t walk around barefoot. All of your body heat is going to escape through your feet, so keep them cozy and warm in some fuzzy socks or slippers.

Use Ceiling Fans

I know…you hear fan and think of cooling off right? Well Heat Rises, so having a ceiling fan (with the setting adjusted to move air down) it will help keep the warm air in your living areas.

Layer Your Clothes

I promise this doesn’t mean you have to be big and bulky. You can still layer and look cute while you are out and about,  but most importantly be warm! Add a chunky sweater over a tighter shirt, wear a scarf, add leggings, etc.

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm

Use Flannel Sheets

When that cold winter starts to roll in it’s time to switch to your winter sheets! You will notice a big difference in how much warmer you are throughout the cold winter nights.

Add a Hat

You can lose 10% of your body heat through your head even if the rest of you is covered, and when it is freezing that 10% makes a big difference. So throw on a cute beanie!

Use Essential Oils

Believe it or not there are even warming essential oils! A few of these are cinnamon, oregano, thyme, rosemary, and ginger. Visit Painted Teacup for more info on how to use these warming essential oils.

Drink a Hot Beverage

Having a warm drink raises your core body temperature warming you right up!

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm

Keep Throw Blankets Around The House

When you sit down to read, or watch TV bundle up with one of those blankets to keep you warm while you’re not moving around.

Close Off Rooms

It’s easier to heat small spaces so close off rooms that you aren’t using to keep the heat in one place.


Get moving! This is a sure way to heat you up in no time. Make sure if you are exercising outdoors to layer….otherwise when your sweat escapes it will just make you colder.

Plan Hot Dinners

There are definitely summer meals and winter meals. Plan to make hot meals like soups for dinner, and oatmeal for breakfast.

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm

Snuggle Up

Body heat will get you warm in no time so cuddle up to your significant other, and if you don’t have one around a fury friend can be just as cozy!


Obviously a big fireplace will keep you extra warm, but even just having a few candles around your work space can help you keep warm, and if they smell good that’s an extra bonus!

Warming Bags

These can be made with rice , dried beans, flax seed etc. But heat one up in the microwave and use it to warm you right up!

Cover Your Floors

Using rugs on your freezing floors will keep you from freezing your feet on those frigid floors! Invest in a few more house rugs this winter.

16 Simple Hacks to Stay Warm

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