Sweet Smelling Carpet Deodorizer Recipes

Sweet Smelling Carpet Deodorizer Recipes| Carpet Deodorizer, Carpet Cleaning, DIY Carpet Cleaning, Easy Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning Projects #CarpetCleaning #Cleaning #CarpetCare

Sweet Smelling Carpet Deodorizer Recipes| Carpet Deodorizer, Carpet Cleaning, DIY Carpet Cleaning, Easy Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning Projects #CarpetCleaning #Cleaning #CarpetCare


With kids, pets, and all of our life messes; our carpets can get stinky, fast! It isn’t always necessary (but recommended every couple of months) to hire a team of carpet cleaners. Sometimes, a simple carpet deodorizer is good enough to get things smelling fresh! You can make all of these at home!

A combination of baking soda and Young Living’s essential oil: Purification will have your carpet smelling the best! Purification oil is a combination of a few bacteria-killing essential oils. It’s also great to diffuse when you’re sick, or dealing with general household odors.


You don’t put these directly on your carpet, but their precense will freshen things up wherever they’re placed! I’ve heard their great in the refrigerator, and even between the cushions of a stinky couch! It’s not a deodorizing powder, but it’s versatility makes it just as good!


Kristin Marr, over at Live Simply thought to add Borax to her carpet deodorizer. Adding this to a baking soda and lavender (real, not essential oil) mixture will help to fight off fleas and other pesky insects. I’ve lined my window sills with it before, in a bind, and it really did work!


This time, let’s combine borax and baking soda with 30 drops of lemon or orange essential oil. The lemon works to break down lingering odors, and the orange will make your room smell like Spring! This is the best recipe when any January blues hit!


Freshen any fabrics in your house with this deliciously smelling air freshener. Combine filtered water with vodka and your favorite essential oils. The oils will remove the “alcohol smell” from the air, and the vodka will kill any pesky germs! Spray on carpet, or just on your clothing. It’s up to you!


Kill stinky odors right where they start: stinky shoes! As soon as you take off your kicks, drop these bad boys in! The powerful combination of baking soda, cornstarch, and your favorite oils. You’ll need to pick up linen bags (make your own, or purchase some from Michaels!) to stuff everything in. With a bright colored ribbon, they’ll look adorable while kicking some serious odor-butt!


Get these sweet-smelling recipes on these fantastic blogs:

Recipes with Essential Oils

Recipes with Essential Oils

Live Simply 

Mrs Wright Writes

Don’t Mess With Mama 

The Socialites Closet

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