12 Dessert Tips for Your Valentines Day Date

Valentine’s Day is coming up quickly! Make sure you have the perfect day planned with these Valentine’s dessert tips! After all, no holiday is complete without a sweet treat.

Pickystitch.com is the hottest spot for all things creative and crafty! Crafts don't have to be limited to non-edible activities, though! Check out these dessert tips that are perfect for a romantic Valentine's Day.

Valentine’s Dessert Tips

Cake Pops

Cake pops give you the best of both worlds, cake on-the-go.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Chocolate Covered Cherries

Chocolate covered cherries are delicious already, add some ground up nuts and your taste buds will be in absolute heaven.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Mini Pancakes

Mini pancakes with fruit, Nutella, or peanut butter on a skewer is a perfect way to start off Valentine’s Day right. The Nutella makes these the perfect dessert treat!

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Bailey’s Infused Chocolate Strawberries

Bailey’s is perfect for your morning coffee, but did you know that it can be added to chocolate or syrup? Hello, Bailey’s infused chocolate strawberries.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Fruit Filled Chocolate Bowl

Who could say no to a fruit filled chocolate bowl? Reminds me of those Wonder Balls you got as a kid on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Homemade Kisses

Homemade kisses are the perfect alternative to chocolate covered strawberries on your romantic Valentine’s Day date!

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Fruity Colorful Pancakes

Fruity colorful pancakes just look like something you’d eat for breakfast at Disneyland. I’m a huge fan of dessert for breakfast!

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Chocolate covered pretzels are delicious! If your Valentine’s day date includes a few drinks at the bar, you’ve got your own festive bar snack.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

M&M Brownies

If no amount of chocolate is enough, M&M’s brownies are the treat you’re looking for.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Chocolate Covered Raspberries

Chocolate and raspberries are a great alternative to strawberries. And honestly, I think they taste even better! Check out the recipe here! 

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows

Marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkles should be the official Valentine’s Day s’more. Perfect for those people who just aren’t fans of fruit! Recipe here.

Valentine's Dessert Tips

Dessert Kabobs

These dessert kabobs are a perfect mess-free way to eat one of the messiest desserts imaginable. Kabob sticks rock! Find the recipe here

Valentine's Dessert Tips

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