8 Back To School Projects

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

It’s that time again where lunches will be packed, shoes will be tied, crayons and glue sticks will be bought and homework will be brought home. As a kid I remember having my own designated area to put my things. My backpack went on it’s hook and I had a folder that was for any papers needing to be signed by my mom and another folder for homework. This eventually died off as I got into high school but the habit stuck. As I thought about that, I began to think of projects that will help me keep my own house organized as this crazy time of life approaches. Here are some ideas that I’ve thought up.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Homework Station: This is first on the list for one reason. I like to keep my kitchen table clean unless we’re eating on it. If you have a whole room to dedicate to this, fabulous! If not, find a suitable place where there is minimum distraction but enough supervision so that your kiddos can stay on track and finish their homework.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Interviews: Nothing scary! Just have simple interviews each year before school starts. My in-laws are doing this with their last two kids and they plan to make a memory book with them! (Find interview printables by following the source link on the image!)

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Useful Teacher Gifts: It doesn’t have to be expensive. A simple, creative, and useful gift at the beginning of the year to thank the teachers who help our kids!

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Family Bulletin Board: For school or not these are just plain handy to have. However, when it comes to school, I use mine every single day. It’s the best way to stay organized and it’s easy for the kids too.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Snack Station/Drawer: As much as I love for the kids to have snacks, I’m not always able to get them one right after school while they’re doing homework. I have a drawer in the fridge and in my pantry labeled “snacks” and it has a time block (2:00pm-4:00pm) that they are allowed to have a snack. They also know that they can’t pig out on them. The rule: One from the fridge, one from the pantry.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Cubbies: By the door or in a cabinet, get your kid a cubby! I love this for two reasons. 1- It keeps the house from looking cluttered 2-It helps teach them that there is a place for everything and everything has a place.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Filing System: I always feel bombarded by the amount of papers that come to my house. And not just the ones for the kids! All the papers I have to sign or flyers about bake sales etc. There’s just too much! By having a filing system you can keep those papers organized and accessible. (Find printables by following the source link!)

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

Family Calendar: There are always a million things that come up during the school year! Practices, recitals, bake sales, fundraisers, science fair projects…the list goes on. Find time to make a whiteboard calendar (that way it can be used month to month, year to year!) so that everyone in the family can see what is going on and when.

Back to school, back to school projects, DIY back to school, popular pin, DIY back to school, organization, organize your home, home organization.

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