Make Your Television Chords VANISH

Make Your Television Chords VANISH| Television Chords, Television Chord Care, Clutter Free, Clutter Free Living, Clutter Free Home, DIY Home Decor #ClutterFree #ClutterFreeHome #ChordOrganization #Organization


Make Your Television Chords VANISH| Television Chords, Television Chord Care, Clutter Free, Clutter Free Living, Clutter Free Home, DIY Home Decor #ClutterFree #ClutterFreeHome #ChordOrganization #Organization


Alright, now I know that I am absolutely so guilty of this…but how unsightly is it to have your television, cable box, and DVD chords all out and everywhere? Guys, I even have the chord to my wireless router underneath my entertainment stand. It’s kind of a mess down there! Last weekend I decided to take things into my own hands, it was time to make my television chords vanish. Here are a few things you could try:

This method requires some serious installation magic, but if you can hack it DIY-wise, this will be super easy for you to handle! It should take about 2 hours and you’ll need an electric drill or other basic tools.


Clip your chords to the edge of your furniture with wooden staples, or specialized chord-hiding tools. Next, you’ll want to hot glue your power strip to the underside of your entertainment center. You’ll never have to look at ugly chords again!


These handy dandy hooks (er…clips?) from Command are just the thing for wrapping (and hiding) pesky wires. Clip to the back of your furniture for chords that stay hidden.


All this blogger needed was a staple gun and these Blue Lounge clips to get her desk back to being functional. No more tangled feet!


When you have chords that run along your baseboards, it can be difficult to find a method that adequately conceals them. Unfortunately, I think you may need the help of google translator!

..Psstt..I think it would be easy to make these out of scrap wood (although these do look thin….) use Command Strips for easy attachment!


Forget about hiding your electric chords…turn them into art instead! Here, an ugly black chord turns into a gorgeous city-scape. Of course, if your art abilities don’t quite center around city-making, try a simple “swirl” pattern instead!


For the charging phone or other occassional chord…hang a pouch on the side of your desk (or TV center) to keep chords off the floor!

These projects and other ideas were first featured on…

In My Own Style

Like A Saturday

Happy Organized Life 

Love Grows Wild

Best of Web 

Fantastic Viewpoint

Bob Villa

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One thought on “Make Your Television Chords VANISH

  1. Margaret Roche says:

    I wanted to know how I could find out about the wood shelf paper towel holder. I would really like one in a light wood. How can I get one?

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