Clever Ways to Display Photos

Clever Ways to Display Photos (1)

I have a lot of pictures that I’m always looking to display in fun but original(ish) ways. Frame+picture does not a happy “me” make. Breaking from tradition, I’ve come up with 7 creative ways that anyone can display their pictures.

Clever Ways to Display Photos (1)


It’s a stylized way to display photos so it might not work in just any house but I still think this idea is fun.

Clever Ways to Display Photos


This idea is more for a one time photo display for a party but who doesn’t love balloons? Plus, these are more at eye level and add excellent filler for any large space.

Clever Ways to Display Photos


This has been around for a while and though it’s not my favorite, I still think it’s a brilliant idea when it’s done in moderation.

Clever Ways to Display Photos

Wood Ladder:

Another stylized idea (though slightly broader) but quaint and simple.  I like it.

Clever Ways to Display Photos

Shadow Box:

I think the idea of making a shadow box with pictures AND treasures is a fabulous idea. Nice and organized but still a display.

Clever Ways to Display Photos

Clock Style:

I’ve seen this done well and I’ve seen this done…not so well. I can’t describe what the difference was but this is an option that helps to display a good handful of photos at once.

Clever Ways to Display Photos

Old Shutter:

I think this could be shabby chic’ed up or modernized (by using a metal shutter, perhaps)

Clever Ways to Display Photos

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