10 Ways to Decorate with Sea Glass

Home decor, DIY home decor, decorating with sea glass, repurpose projects, popular pin, DIY home, home design.

Home decor, DIY home decor, decorating with sea glass, repurpose projects, popular pin, DIY home, home design.

10 Ways to Decorate with Sea Glass

Make (or buy) this incredible candle holder made from sea glass. Not only does it bring in that great beachside feel, but it also adds so much color to your candle light!

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Add a bit of pizazz and style to your wine glasses by decorating them with sea glass. Be careful though, a little goes a long way when it comes to this design. You can just use the glasses for decoration, as well.

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Make a fantastic tabletop by incorporating some sea glass! It makes it pop with a fun touch of color and texture and turns it into a unique work of art.

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Let your creative side loose and make some awesome wall art out of sea glass. Put it on a wooden board or some sort of other sea-inspired material.

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You can also turn the sea glass into a fantastic top for a tray! You can turn an old and boring tray into a wonderful work of art with a touch of sea glass.

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Make some art for your garden by using sea glass. You can add it to a birdbath, putting it on some benches or stones, or something else.

10 Ways to Decorate with Sea Glass7 Mobiles with sea glass are absolutely stunning. The way they catch the light is mesmerizing. Use this in your garden, home, or a baby’s bedroom.

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Do a fun family project and make your very own stepping stones for the backyard and garden! Each family member can make a stepping stone and use sea glass to make them shine and sparkle.

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Accent a piece of furniture with some well-placed sea glass. I really like the idea of putting it on the front of a cabinet or dresser to add some personality.

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Get inspired by the sea and make some decorative soap cubes in the color of common sea glass! Put it on the counter or shelf in the bathroom!

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