10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Everyone is deserving of a home with a little more feng shui! If you want your house to be more relaxing, you can start by making these 10 easy home upgrades. But here’s a warning: there may be some decluttering involved! Get a feng shui home with these simple tips and tricks for more feng shui.


Because let’s be completely real with ourselves, no one likes to relax in a cluttered house! Clear your mind (and the clutter!) before diving into your feng shui projects. You’ll probably have tons more space to work with, as well!

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Find Your Lucky Kua Number

Yes, this isn’t just a thing from Chinese takeout. Lucky numbers ARE a thing, and you should determine yours! Use this chart when determining your lucky number, and use it when decorating. For example, if your number is 1, face your bed either north or south.

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Get Good Air (and Light!) Quality

To promote good energy (or chi!) make sure you make the most of the air and light in your home. Windows should be seen as the focal point, as they provide light. Use plants to help with the air flow in your home.

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Learn Your Energy Map

Different flows of your home are connected to different events in your life. For example, the southeast corner of your house is connected to career and money, so this area may be good for an office space!

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Learn the Feng Shui Elements

There are five basic feng shui elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. If you are looking to focus on the health aspect of your home, you should incorporate more lush plants and wood furniture into the eastern sections of your home. Decorate with wood and water for more prosperity!

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Classify Your Birth Element

“Nourish” your energy by determining your birth element. Use this chart when determining your birth element, and make sure that you make a few interior design decisions with that in mind!

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Learn Your Lucky Directions

Yes, yes, we also have a lucky direction! Your lucky direction is based on your Kua number (see previous slide). Use this chart if you need more assistance. Be sure to take your personal goals into mind when determining how to decorate your hoe.

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Learn About The Energy of Your Home

Every home has an energy…do you know yours? Your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are two of the most “energetic” places of the home, and it’s recommended that you decorate with that in mind for a feng shui home. Keep your home happy and healthy by aligning those three things!

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY


Never Work With Your Back To A Door

You heard me! Reposition your desk to have it facing a door for maximum feng shui. Working with your back to the door may out you in a compromising position! When you reposition your desk, no one can sneak up on you while working!

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui| Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Bedroom, Home Decor, Home Decor Ideas, Home Decor DIY, Home Decor Ideas DIY

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One thought on “10 Ways to Make Your Home More Feng Shui

  1. Amazing post ! These are very simple and doable hacks for home. Waiting for more such content.

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