How to Spray Paint Wood Furniture {My Best Method!}

How to Spray Paint Wood Furniture {My Best Method!}| Spray Paint Furniture, Spray Paint Projects, Spray Paint DIY, Spray Paint Art, Spray Paint Countertops, Spray Paint Projects

How to Spray Paint Wood Furniture {My Best Method!}| Spray Paint Furniture, Spray Paint Projects, Spray Paint DIY, Spray Paint Art, Spray Paint Countertops, Spray Paint Projects


I love spray painting wood furniture! Spray painting wood furniture is the easiest way to revamp something you no longer love and incorporate it back into your home decor. Instead of hiding that old table and chairs up in the attic, a coat of spray paint can really modernize it so it’s great for any space. If you are looking for an easy upcycling project, here’s my best method for how to spray paint wood furniture. This is the best guide for spray paint projects!

Tips about how to spray paint wood furniture! This example shows a wood chair being painted.

Here’s what you’ll need:


-primer spray paint

-spray paint

-sealant spray paint (pick which level of gloss is best for you!)

Step One

To spray paint wood furniture, ALWAYS begin by sanding your furniture. It’s doesn’t matter what kind of project or what kind of paint. Your finish will always be better if you sand first! Sand with the grain of the wood and clean with soap and water when sanding is complete.

Step Two

Move your furniture outdoors in a well-ventilated area. Use a drop cloth if necessary to keep mess to a minimum. Don’t spray paint on a windy day, as you may end up with dusty furniture! Next, carefully cover your furniture with a coat of spray paint primer. Take care that there are no drips or drops. This will affect the finish. Make sure the primer is dry before moving on to the next step.

Sanding a wood chair. This is the first step for preparing to spray paint wood furniture.

Step Three

Apply your spray paint by applying it in long, even strokes. Start with one coat at a time, waiting for each to finish before moving on to the next. It should only take spray paint 6-10 minutes to dry between coats!

Step Four

Once your furniture has been painted the color that you like, I recommend adding a coat of sealant over the top of it! Whether you use sealant or not is up to you, but I recommend applying a coat on ALL heavy use furniture pieces. Especially ones that are eaten on! When choosing a sealant, remember that the higher the gloss, the easier it is to clean!

Two chairs that have been spray painted. Learn how to spray paint furniture in this article.


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