15 Ways to Tame Toy Clutter

Organization, Home Organization, How to Organize Toys, Toy Clutter, How to Organize Toy Clutter, Clutter Free Living, Kid Stuff, How to Organize Kid Stuff, Cleaning, Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Organization, Home Organization, How to Organize Toys, Toy Clutter, How to Organize Toy Clutter, Clutter Free Living, Kid Stuff, How to Organize Kid Stuff, Cleaning, Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Organizing toys can get to be a pain! Especially when your kids just drag them back out moments after you’ve cleaned ’em up! Need quick ideas for toy organizers? Read on!

Soap Box Organizer

Looking for a versatile and inexpensive storage option? Try a storage box! It’s perfect for storing games, legos, and other small toys.

15 Ways to Tame Toy Clutter


Repurposed Tub Lego Head

These DIY lego storage containers are portable and they definitely save your feet!

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Bath Toy Storage

If you’re like me, every toy eventually becomes a bath toy, its like the sign of a toys final days. Keep them organized with a tension rod and a few baskets!

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DIY Drawers

From books to knick knacks, keep them organized and out of sight with colorful (and useful!) toy storage. Use chalkboard paint to label!

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Barbie Organizer

You have a shoe organizer, so its only sensible that you’d have a Barbie organizer. Bonus points if you have a shoe organizer turned Barbie organizer, like the one pictured!

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Lego Organizer

Like sorting M&M’s, only less tastier, and a lot less fun to munch on!

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Stuffed Animal Storage

Because there comes a point when the bed is no longer a suitable storage option.

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Stuffed Animal Chair

Want those stuffed animals out of sight but not sure if you want to toss them? Click the link above to learn how to make your own stuffed animal chair! G-E-N-I-U-S.

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Sports Storage

Believe it or not, plastic storage bins are the best things to store backyard items in! Organize balls, cleats, and who knows what else with this tutorial from It’s Overflowing. Or else they’ll end up all over the yard!

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Stuffed Animal Zoo

The Toy Story 3 movie is making this one a little unsettling….

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Car Wall Mount

Like Legos, keeping them off the floor is the best place for hot wheels. Magnetic strips make storing them a breeze!

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Matchbox Car Garage

Trust me, this is cheaper than the real car you’ll be buying for your little car enthusiast.

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Wooden Crate Storage

The pet hotel is just a ploy to get your kids to put them away back where they go…Use old oatmeal containers for larger animals, and old paper towel rolls for Beanie Babies!

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Simple Toy Storage

An old soup can will do. Just be sure to empty the soup. Or eat it, before attempting this DIY!

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Under the Bed Train Table

You’re probably thinking; “Great, another thing for them to jam clothes and toys in to.”

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2 thoughts on “15 Ways to Tame Toy Clutter

  1. Diana Valle says:

    Very interesting storage ideas! Diana Valle.

    1. Picky Stitch says:

      Thanks for reading, Diana!

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