20 Totally Creepy Halloween Recipes

Halloween recipes, Halloween party ideas, holiday recipes, popular pin, creepy recipes.

Halloween recipes, Halloween party ideas, holiday recipes, popular pin, creepy recipes.


20 Creepy Halloween Recipes

If you plan on serving dinner at your Halloween party, then make this deliciously spooky Halloween spaghetti!

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You could also, for dessert, make ghost pops! What a fun twist to the classic cake pop.

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For appetizers at your party, make this meat cadaver dish. It will look like it’s getting eating!

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Make your very own cheese head for Halloween! You just need things to dip it in on the side.

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Make these spooky brain cupcakes with a jelly blood center!

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For younger guests, make some delicious mummy dogs. Give them yellow eyes with a touch of mustard.

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I think this is awesome! Make these ax murderer cupcakes that look like the scene of the crime.

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Here’s a simple idea. Get powdered donuts holes (or make them) and put plastic spiders around to look like spider eggs.

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Turn your drinks into something spooky. Using a clear container, add cut up apples that look like shrunken heads.

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Give your guests a good fright with these dirt cupcakes. Use a combination of chocolate and gummy worms.

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Make a watermelon look like it’s vomiting up little fruit for a fun fruit tray! So clever.

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If you have an artistic touch, then make these awesome Halloween owl desserts. These are pretty impressive.

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For a more solid meal, make Frankenstein burritos. It’s a clever combination of items that are arranged to look like Frankenstein!

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Make these deliciously eerie finger dippers. Use ketchup as the dip to make it look like blood!

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For a healthier snack, make a veggie platter look like a pumpkin. It requires a lot of carrots, but it’s totally awesome.

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Cook up some hotdogs and then peel a part of the top off to make it look like a bloody finger on a bun.

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These are so cool! Make yourself some awesome vampire donuts using plastic teeth and everything!

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These witch snacks don’t require a lot of work or ingredients and they’re so fun to have at any Halloween party.

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For a more sophisticated Halloween treat, make this Halloween colored cake. It looks delicious!

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You could try your hand at these RIP brownies for all your guests to enjoy. It’s a delicious combination of yummy and scary!

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