15 Things You MUST KNOW Before Your Next Camping Trip

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Camping Hacks, Camping TIps and Tricks, Must Know Camping Tips, Outdoor Adventure, Outdoor Adventure Tips, Life Hacks, Tips and Tricks, Popular Pin

Water Station

Glue a paper towel roll to the top of your water supplie. This doubles as a washing station, because we all know everyone finds a way to get filthy!

15 Things You MUST KNOW Before Your Next Camping Trip



Hanging shoe organizers keep your stuff off the ground and away from the creepy crawlies.

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Tic-Tac Spices

Fill your old tic tac containers with spices. It keeps them portable and handy!

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Pour some on the grill and voila! Plus you won’t have to worry about carrying eggs in a cooler.

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Headlamp Lamp

Totally genius, and completely effective. This is probably the cheapest lantern you’ll ever use!

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Pancake Mix

Pancakes at the ready, and with almost no clean up! Rad!

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This lotion is good for amy things like sunburn and bug bites, bring yours with you in smaller mason jars. An unscented variety works best!

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Fire Starters

Coal in an egg carton is all you’ll need to get that fire going. In no time at all!

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Soap Grip

I won’t even go there…but it’s impossible to errr..drop it..with a grip made from a washcloth! Plus, it suds up better!

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Foam Mats

These are an absolute life saver and really light to carry.

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Hold Your TP

Keep the critters off the most precious cargo at camp…this toilet paper holder is genius!

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Coffee Filters Turned “Tea Bags”

Use a bit of floss, and an old coffee filter to make makeshift “tea bags” that are really little tiny coffee steeping pouches.

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Quick First Aid

Quickly create a makeshift first aid kit. They fit perfectly in old prescrpition bottles, or an altoids can.

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Pre Made Pancake Mix

If you aren’t interested in lugging around a carton of milk and eggs, check out this recipe from One Good Thing By Jillee. All you need are powedered eggs!

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Cook With Herbs

Loving this tip from Martha Stewart. Run rosemary brances over hot coals for flavored food. This also keeps bugs at bay.

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