8 Simple Ways to Organize Your Pantry

Simple Ways to Organize Your Pantry

So, recently I had a post that focused mainly on kitchen organization. It got me thinking about my pantry though. Small tiny pantries, big spacious pantries, they can all use a system of organization. Because of that, I decided that it’s only right to devote an entire post to pantry organization. Enjoy.

Simple Ways to Organize Your Pantry

Pull Everything OUT!: You can’t begin to organize your pantry if everything is still hodge podged in there! Take everything out, clean off your shelves! You’ll thank me for it later… (Picture from House of Smith’s)

How to Organize Your Pantry

“Backsplash”: It’s not really part of the organization but it does add personality to your pantry. Add a lovely wall paper or stencil to the wall of your pantry for some added finesse!

How to Organize Your Pantry

Baskets: These are first on the list because they’re the most versatile, in my opinion. Depending on what you put in them, they can stack. You can find plenty that fit snuggly together on the shelf so that it’s neat and tidy. You can have plastic or whicker or wire. Variety is key for these in my opinion.

How to Organize Your Pantry

Labels: I like this idea mainly for kids. Anything labeled “Snacks” can be had by the kids and they know whatever is in there is for them.

How to Organize Your Pantry

Hanging Bread: I don’t really know how else to say that. Using a basket that hangs underneath your shelf will help for keeping bread accessible and un-smooshed.

How to Organize Your Pantry

Spice Racks: These are just handy in general but if you’re like me and don’t like having your spices in a drawer or cupboard, using spice racks can utilize space that otherwise wouldn’t be used.

How to Organize Your Pantry

Easy Access Plastic/Paper: Dishes. Utensils. Cups. They’re bulky and take up space. Get creative with how you store these. I actually use a spice rack and ball jars for mine and it makes for easy, stress free access!

How to Organize Your Pantry

Built-in Drawers: I love this idea for tight spaces. Why? Because you can just pull out the drawer without having to climb over things or knock other things over. Quite, frankly I think these give more space for organization and I love it!

How to Organize Your Pantry

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