DIY Art Easels for Kids

DIY Art Easels for Kids| Art Easels for Kids, Kid Crafts, DIY Crafts for Kids, Art Easels for Kids, DIY Crafts, DIY Projects, DIY Projects for Kids, Popular Pin #CraftsforKids #DIYProjects #DIYKidStuff

DIY Art Easels for Kids| Art Easels for Kids, Kid Crafts, DIY Crafts for Kids, Art Easels for Kids, DIY Crafts, DIY Projects, DIY Projects for Kids, Popular Pin #CraftsforKids #DIYProjects #DIYKidStuff


If you have a kid that loves to create art, the perfect gift this holiday season may be just as easy as building your artist an easel. Easels are undoubetly expensive, and most parents aren’t willing to spend that kind of moola. So what is one to do? DIY the project, of course! Here are a few of my favorite DIY options.

If your crafting skills aren’t quite up to par, you may need to consult your local hardware specialist for the necessary materials! With just a few scraps of wood, and a coat of paint, you can give your kiddos the ultimate place to draw when the winter gets boring. Perfect, right? See how they did it via YouTube. 


Nothing says “draw here” like a gigantic clipboard…am I right? DIYers across the country should rest easy when they find out just how easy this handmade project is.  Wouldn’t your child be so excited to stumble upon this on Christmas morning? Tutorial from Jaime Costiligo.


Dying for an easy art easel? Look no more! Lowes has this amazing tutorial available for any mothers trying to give their children a place to grow and create art. If interested, click this link to Lowes to figure out how they did this! 


Do you have kids that are desperate for a few minutes of outdoor time, but they love to draw whenever possible? If so, you may consider making them this DIY protect from Ana White!  It’s quick, easy, and sure to look amazing in any backyard environment.


As a kid, I absolutely loved to write on a whiteboard whenever the opportunity arose. There’s something unbeatable about how smoothly a whiteboard marker glides across these surfaces! If you are determined to “wow” your kiddos this holiday season, this DIY easel isn’t a project to be missed.


Around the holidays doesn’t everyone have WAY too many cardboard boxes, and nothing to do with them? Instead of recycling them after the big day, cut them up and make your own cardboard easels. This project will definitely please artists of all ages!


I love when things are magnetic! It’s so easy to purchase magnets and use your magnetic surface to house extra paper or art projects. Why not give your kiddos the same luxury of the magnet? Outfit this DIY stencil with a magnetic backboard where they can show off their favorite art projects.

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