Furniture Remodel Mistakes You CAN’T Afford to Make

Furniture Remodel Mistakes You CAN'T Afford to Make - Picky Stitch| Furniture Remodel, DIY Furniture Remodel, Furniture DIYs, DIY Furniture, DIY Furniture, Furniture Remodeling, Easy Furniture Remodel, Popular Pin #DIYFurniture #FurnitureRemodeling

Furniture Remodel Mistakes You CAN'T Afford to Make - Picky Stitch| Furniture Remodel, DIY Furniture Remodel, Furniture DIYs, DIY Furniture, DIY Furniture, Furniture Remodeling, Easy Furniture Remodel, Popular Pin #DIYFurniture #FurnitureRemodeling

I spend at least one weekend every year repainting any worn down pieces of furniture I have laying around. I’ve only been doing it the last three years, but I think I’ve learned a thing or two about the art of repainting! Of course, all of that painting didn’t come without a mistake (or two…or three..) that I would have liked to avoid!

If you’re on re-painting a worn down piece of furniture? It’s important that you don’t make these remodel mistakes! They could ruin the outcome of your project.

Mistake #1: Painting In an Airless Room

Even though you think that you have plenty of airflow in your painting space, open a window anyway. You’ll save yourself a future headache, and your dry time will be decreased. Use a space heater if you are working in a place that could be cold from an open window!

Mistake #2: Disregarding Dry Time

Even though you think your newly painted piece of furniture is completely dry, you might be wrong. Just because it’s dry doesn’t mean your paint has “cured.” Paint shouldn’t feel sticky, and you should be able to run your finger across the surface easily. Once your project is REALLY dry, only then can you place items in or on your new piece. It could be devastating if you piled things on too soon!

Mistake #3: Spray Painting When Windy

I think you know where this tip is headed….it’s difficult to apply an even coat of spray paint regardless, but to do so on a windy day? No way! Spray painting on a windy can could affect the way your paint coats layer onto your furniture. Plus, dirt and other yucky debris will stick to your furniture, who wants that?

Mistake #4: Using The Wrong Primer

Using a dark paint? Use a dark primer! Using a light primer under a dark paint will cause your paint color to lighten significantly. Using the correct primer (light with light, dark with dark) will keep your chosen paint shades looking 100% true-to-color.

Mistake #5: Painting the “Upside” First

When working with a smaller piece of furniture, turn the piece upside down, and paint underneath before painting the top. It’ll be a breeze to cover up any mistakes when you go to paint the “topside!”

Mistake #6: Forgetting About Dry Time (Again…)

It can be tempting to jump the gun and start applying your second coat of paint before the first is fully dry. Applying a second too soon can cause paint to peel. Wait at least an hour in between coats of paint for an “unwrinkled” finish.



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