How to Easily Spray Paint Metal Chairs

Metal chairs, furniture flips, outdoor furniture flips, easy furniture flips, popular pin, outdoor living, DIY outdoor projects, outdoor DIY.

I’m very much in love with upcycling pieces of furniture. I really wanted to create a small outdoor eating area in my backyard but I wanted to get something that would be durable and versatile. So, metal chairs it was! But boring, old metal chairs didn’t quite match my vision so painting them it was. Here’s how easy it is to spray paint metal chairs.

Follow these 6 easy steps and you will have beautiful like-new metal chairs! It's like buying new ones except these are actually the color you want! Follow along and I will show you how to paint metal chairs the easy way! #paintedmetalchairs #howtopaintmetalchairs
What You’ll Need:

The thing you’re painting {in this case, chairs}
a wire brush
top coat {clear coat, lacquer}
a drop cloth
{Whatever you do, don’t buy your paint from a craft store, they can be incredibly expensive}

A chair being sprayed with pink spray paint. How to paint metal chairs.

How To  Spray Paint Metal Chairs

Step 1

Use the wire brush to remove any bits of rust on your chair. It shouldn’t really be too hard. It all depends on how rusted your work surface is.

Step 2

Sand the surface smooth. This is important for the end result.

Step 3

Clean the surface of your metal chair using a damp cloth. Then use a dry cloth to rub any water off the surface. If you leave any water on a metal chair, you’re more likely to run into rust in the future. Make sure that the chair is 100 percent dry before moving on to step four.

Metal chairs sprayed with a primer. A step about how to paint metal chairs.
Step 4

Use a primer to prime the surface. Rustoleum’s Clean Metal Primer Spray (found for about $4) protects from rust and primes the chair at the same time. If you find that you can’t get rid of the rust, there is also a Rusty Metal Primer Spray that is supposed to bond to the rust. Be sure to use the drop cloth below the chair to catch the paint. Let the primer dry for 12-24 hours before applying the next coat.

Step 5

Apply the paint! It is important to apply this paint lightly, in multiple coats if need be. If you apply the paint too heavily, you will have to deal with drips and runs. Let the chair dry for a couple of hours between coats. After the last coat of paint, let the chair dry for at least 24 hours.

Step 6

Apply a topcoat. I always apply a top coat of clear lacquer to make the paint strong and extra weather resistant. Spray lacquer works great for metal chairs!

 See,  six simple and easy steps is all it takes to paint metal chairs. Now, sit down and take a break. You deserve it!

Spray cans of paint and top coat. How to spray paint metal chairs.

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