Must Have Items For Unexpected Guests

The holidays are here at last! And whether you like it or not, one thing is certain: you’re bound to have an unexpected guest drop in at some point! As a woman who loves to keep a schedule and plan thoroughly ahead (I’m talking months!), these unexpected guest appearances can really throw me for a loop. Since I love to stay prepared (especially during the holiday season) there are a few items I always keep stocked in my house just in case a visitor drops in. It doesn’t matter if they stay for dinner or overnight, you’ll be ready for any guests with these must-have items for unexpected guests.

Unexpected Guests | Tips and Tricks for Hosting Unexpected Guests | Hosting Unexpected Guests | Learn How to Help Unexpected Guests | Be Prepared for Unexpected Guests

Frozen Cookie Dough

Cookie dough? What for? To feed your unexpected guests, of course! Keep a batch of dough ready to go in your freezer for use at a moment’s notice. That way, no matter when your guests show up, you’ll have something yummy to feed them!

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Tortilla Chips and Shredded Cheese

Guests have got to eat! Always make sure a stash of tortilla chips are available in your pantry. You can make a number of things with them (like nachos). They’re a super versatile appetizer! You could even keep a jar of salsa or another dip handy in your pantry just in case, too!

An Extra Set Of (Clean!) Sheets

Even if you don’t have a guest bedroom available, a clean set of sheets will be much appreciated by an overnight guest. Plus, if you keep a set of clean sheets handy, you won’t be scrambling trying to get a load in the washing machine when your guest arrives! A set of clean sheets is something every homeowner should have, all the time!

Unexpected Guests | Tips and Tricks for Hosting Unexpected Guests | Hosting Unexpected Guests | Learn How to Help Unexpected Guests | Be Prepared for Unexpected Guests

Extra Toiletries (Towels, Too!) 

If your guest is unexpected, there’s a good chance that he or she is going to come unprepared without toiletries. It’s nuts how leaving in a hurry can make us forget all of the important things! Keep a bin in the bathroom stocked with things like shampoo, extra razors, and more. Even if you never have a guest that needs them, I’m sure you could take your stash away on vacation one day!

Extra Toilet Paper

Yep. It doesn’t matter how long your guests are staying, no one wants to ask their host/hostess for a new roll of toilet paper! Save your guests the embarrassment and keep an extra roll or two within easy access. It couldn’t hurt to keep a plunger handy, either…

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Keep your wifi password in an easy-to-find spot so you can share it with any guests who may need it. There’s nothing worse than having to dig through a few paper-filled drawers just to find the wifi password for a guest! Not only does it detract from your time with them, but this way they can see all of your paper clutter secrets. No one wants that! Keep your wifi password easily accessible. We keep ours on the fridge!

Extra Drinks (Alcoholic and Non!) 

Keep a variety of non-alcoholic juices, coffee, tea, and soda available during the holidays for any unexpected visitors. Of course, just as you stocked up on the non-alcoholic stuff, stock up on the booze as well! Even if you aren’t a big drinker, keep a bottle of vodka in your freezer for guests who need to take the edge off. You can find cheap vodka for as little as $7.00 a bottle and it will usually mix well with the soda you have at home!

Unexpected Guests | Tips and Tricks for Hosting Unexpected Guests | Hosting Unexpected Guests | Learn How to Help Unexpected Guests | Be Prepared for Unexpected Guests

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