Professional Decorators Best Kept Secrets

While I’m not a professional decorator by any means…I am related to one! My younger sister went to interior design school and has tons of experience in the industry. My sister has transformed several houses throughout my neighborhood, and she’s always lending me her expertise. So when I asked for her help to compile a list of secrets from professional decorators, she couldn’t say yes quickly enough! According to my sister, these are the decorating tips and tricks that you NEED to know.

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1. Avoid Choosing Too-Trendy Decor

While it can be tempting to purchase that flashy footrest you saw at Target or that swinging chair from World Market, these items can go in and out of style fast. If possible, avoid purchasing pieces of decor that could be considered “too trendy” or “too bold.” More often than not, these pieces go out of style just as quickly as they became stylish! Leaving you with expensive decor pieces that aren’t versatile from one year to the next.

2. Go In With A Game Plan

As with any project, it’s important to go into it with a game plan. Measure out the space you’re looking to redecorate and sketch out some of the ways you’d like to arrange your furniture. You could even make a list of the pieces you’re looking to get rid of! That way, you’ll get a pretty accurate idea of how much empty space you have to work with, and how many pieces of new furniture that you’ll need.

3. Work With Different Wood Finishes

I made this mistake when I first moved into my apartment. I was convinced that all of my wood furniture needed to be stained the same. Unfortunately, it made my living room look dark and drab, and I would never make the same mistake again! Rather than picking wood furniture that all matches, it’s okay to choose something with different finishes. Don’t be afraid to mix and match the dark with the light wood shades. It creates such visual interest.

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4. Stack Design Elements

Layer design elements like pillows, pictures, and other accessories for added texture and TONS of visual appeal. My sister has layered rugs on top of one another, to create the same kind of stacked look. She also recommends stacking books in uneven towers for a similar design element without the commitment of layering two giant rugs! Professional decorators love to stack items together!

5. Don’t Forget The Wall Hangings

No home is truly complete without strategically placed wall decor. I just don’t think a space is really truly decorated until it there’s artwork or something hanging up! Take a look at the area above your couch, television, and along your hallways and see if there’s space for a hanging design element. Use this guide of mine that will help you choose the best decor pieces for your home.

6. Never Compromise Comfort

Last but not least, it’s important to keep comfort in mind. Professional decorators have no issues turning something “trendy” away if it isn’t functional and comfortable. After all, that stylish sofa may look great, but unless it’s just as comfortable, is it really worth the money?

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