Effortless Ways To Get A Perfect Painted Finish

Effortless Ways To Get A Perfect Painted Finish| Painted Furniture, How to Paint Your Furniture, Painted Furniture Projects, DIY Home, Home Projects, Painted Furniture Tips and Tricks, How to Paint Your Furniture, Popular Pin

Effortless Ways To Get A Perfect Painted Finish| Painted Furniture, How to Paint Your Furniture, Painted Furniture Projects, DIY Home, Home Projects, Painted Furniture Tips and Tricks, How to Paint Your Furniture, Popular Pin


Just a few months ago, I got some terrible news and spent the whole week coping with it by repainting all of my furniture. Literally. Every single piece of furniture owned by myself was restained or repainted. You’d be surprised at how therapeutic brush strokes can be! I’ve always loved to paint furniture, and over the last few years I’ve learned a thing or two about the process. Here’s what I’ve learned:


Seriously. Always. Even if you think you can get away without it, always do it. Use 80 grit sandpaper to remove an existing finish from your furniture, and 150 grit when working with anything else. It’s only necessary to lightly sand, you want to give the paint something to stick to!

Tack Cloth Is Life

After sanding it’s generally a good idea to wipe the furniture down. NEVER use paper towels, and never use a cloth that leaves lint. Tack cloth is a must for all painters. For. Real.

Primer is Needed

…Unless you buy a stain or paint with a primer included. But if not, it’s generally a good idea to coat your furniture with primer before you start actually painting. Wait for it to fully dry before moving on, and sand away any mistakes or paint dribbles.

Adequate Dry Time Will Determine The Outcome

Make sure that you wait 4-6 hours in between applying coats of paint. Applying another coat before the previous is dried may strip the existing paint from your project piece. Always sand in between coats of paint to remove your paint dribble or mistakes. Wipe off with a new tack cloth each time!

Always Protect Your Project

After your paint job has fully dried, cover with a coat of a water-based sealant. It’s best to apply the protectant with a foam roller!

Get More Painting Tips On Picky Stitch!

How to Remove Paint From Furniture (When You’ve Made a Mistake)

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